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The Ultimate Goal

TLDR: I want to write buddy comedy features for and by women.

Growing up, I fell in love with moves like Wedding Crashers, Old School and Anchorman. I loved that they were centered around best friends being ridiculous and having a hilariously good time while growing together in life. But where are these stories for women? We know how to have fun too. Why aren’t there more films that celebrate this? Trainwreck, Girls Trip, Bridesmaids are great films in this genre and I want to create MORE 


Women in film are being supported and uplifted, we can tell and shape our own stories (and write our own dialogue, thank god). I want to tell stories that are bold, hilarious and focus on the friendship between women and the adventures along the way. It always seems like a taboo for women to simply have fun and more stories of this will normalize women having fun for the sake of fun, like men have been doing in movies since the dawn of cinema. 

The movies I want to make are funny, heartfelt and bold. These stories are important because women shouldn’t have to watch “bro” humor to feel seen. 

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What Am I Doing About It?

Currently I'm writing a feature script centered around two women looking for fall boyfriends.

Additionally I'm writing a short that focuses on having a major health crisis in your late 20s. Bringing light to the hilarious dichotomy of navigating your late 20s, with the added bonus of a life threatening event.

I work primarily with women and am always seeking out diversity in my projects and character development. 

Funding site with more detail on projects coming soon! 

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